1784-1859, British Poet, Essayist
Affection, like melancholy, magnifies trifles; but the magnifying of the one is like looking through a telescope at heavenly objects; that of the other, like enlarging monsters with a microscope.
Leigh Hunt – [Affection]

Colors are the smiles of nature.
Leigh Hunt – [Color]

Great woman belong to history and to self sacrifice.
Leigh Hunt – [Greatness]

If you ever have to support a flagging conversation, introduce the topic of eating.
Leigh Hunt – [Conversation]

It is books that teach us to refine our pleasures when young, and to recall them with satisfaction when we are old.
Leigh Hunt – [Books and Reading]

Night's deepest gloom is but a calm; that soothes the weary mind: The labored days restoring balm; the comfort of mankind.
Leigh Hunt – [Night]

Sympathizing and selfish people are alike, both given to tears.
Leigh Hunt – [Sympathy]

The groundwork of all happiness is health.
Leigh Hunt – [Health]

The person who can be only serious or only cheerful, is but half a man.
Leigh Hunt – [People]

The same people who can deny others everything are famous for refusing themselves nothing.
Leigh Hunt – [Self-denial]

Those who have lost an infant are never, in a way, without an infant.
Leigh Hunt – [Children]